Say hello to Your Fresh & Decluttered Classroom

Get my proven, step-by-step plan to declutter your classroom over the course of two weeks, without the stress, overwhelm, or uncertainty of where to even begin. I’ve got you!


Say hello to Your Fresh & Decluttered Classroom

Get my proven, step-by-step plan to declutter your classroom over the course of two weeks, without the stress, overwhelm, or uncertainty of where to even begin. I’ve got you!


Give yourself a head start for the new year

Are you a primary or elementary school teacher, currently cornered by the chaos of your classroom as the school year wraps up?

Whether you’re drowning in a sea of resources, misplaced supplies, or just an overall feeling of overwhelm, you’re not alone. If you’re nodding your head, feeling the weight of clutter on your shoulders, and envisioning a fresh start for your classroom in the new school year, then you already know that it’s time for a change.


As a teacher, you understand the importance of a well-organised learning environment.

You appreciate how a clutter-free space can positively impact both you and your students. And deep down, you’re aware that the beginning of a new school year deserves a clean slate – a chance to create a space that fosters creativity, engagement, and success.


As a teacher, you understand the importance of a well-organised learning environment.

You appreciate how a clutter-free space can positively impact both you and your students. And deep down, you’re aware that the beginning of a new school year deserves a clean slate – a chance to create a space that fosters creativity, engagement, and success.


You know the value of having a step-by-step plan and the guidance from a teacher who understands the unique challenges we face.

If you’ve ever wished for a step by step process to guide you through decluttering your classroom at the end of the school year, then you’re in the right place. This challenge has been created by a teacher who has been exactly where you are now – overwhelmed by clutter and just wishing for some guidance from someone who has successfully ‘been there done that!’


You know the value of having a step-by-step plan and the guidance from a teacher who understands the unique challenges we face.

If you’ve ever wished for a step by step process to guide you through decluttering your classroom at the end of the school year, then you’re in the right place. This challenge has been created by a teacher who has been exactly where you are now – overwhelmed by clutter and just wishing for some guidance from someone who has successfully ‘been there done that!’

By the end of this challenge, you will have…

A Systematic Decluttering Plan

Learn my actionable, step-by-step plan to systematically declutter various areas within your classroom, specifically in the context of the end of the school year. Having a clear roadmap empowers you to tackle clutter in a strategic and manageable way, preventing overwhelm. Each day, follow a carefully crafted plan that guides you through specific areas, breaking down the decluttering process into manageable tasks.

Enhanced Decision Making Confidence

Become empowered to confidently make decisions when it comes to decluttering your classroom space as it relates to your particular context and needs. Say goodbye to hesitation and second-guessing. Gain the skills to confidently assess what stays and what goes, ensuring your classroom reflects your teaching style and optimises the learning experience for your students.

A Refreshed & Decluttered Classroom Space

Picture stepping into a clean, organised space that sets the stage for a positive and productive school year. By following the plan, you’ll learn to keep only what is necessary, embracing a simplified approach. A decluttered environment not only benefits you but creates an inviting atmosphere for your students, fostering an optimal learning experience.


10 days of focused, actionable tasks, each one bringing you closer to the organised and decluttered classroom you’ve been yearning for.

It’s not just about the physical transformation; it’s about reclaiming your mental space, reducing stress, and creating an environment that sets both you and your students up for success.


Your complete EOY decluttering guide.

The End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge includes a downloadable workbook to guide you through 10 days of decluttering tasks, specifically for the end of the school year. This workbook is filled with checklists and planning templates, plus bonus tips and strategies to help ensure that you get the most out of the challenge.


Your complete guide.

The End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge includes a downloadable workbook to guide you through 10 days of decluttering tasks, specifically for the end of the school year. This workbook is filled with checklists and planning templates, plus bonus tips and strategies to help ensure that you get the most out of the challenge.


Your BONUS Moving Classrooms Guide.

By enrolling in the End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge during the promotional period, you get FREE and INSTANT access to this Bonus Moving Classrooms Guide where I share my top tips and strategies for a successful and organised classroom move.


Your BONUS Moving Classrooms Guide.

By enrolling in the End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge during the promotional period, you get FREE and INSTANT access to this Bonus Moving Classrooms Guide where I share my top tips and strategies for a successful and organised classroom move.

Hear from teachers
just like you:

“I think this is gold! I love how the challenge breaks the overwhelm of all the end of year decluttering tasks into daily tasks with simple directions. As a busy teacher at a crazy time of year with my mind of all the other things, this is really valuable.”


“Teachers are so busy, it is great to have someone else do the ‘thinking’ about how to tackle the end of year organising. The small, daily tasks are clear and the amount of work is not overwhelming. Much like needing a trainer at the gym to keep me motivated and on-track, this challenge and the Facebook group is a great way to keep me accountable.”


Hear from teachers
just like you:

“I think this is gold! I love how the challenge breaks the overwhelm of all the end of year decluttering tasks into daily tasks with simple directions. As a busy teacher at a crazy time of year with my mind of all the other things, this is really valuable.”


“Teachers are so busy, it is great to have someone else do the ‘thinking’ about how to tackle the end of year organising. The small, daily tasks are clear and the amount of work is not overwhelming. Much like needing a trainer at the gym to keep me motivated and on-track, this challenge and the Facebook group is a great way to keep me accountable.”


Take a look at these
real results!

Real teachers with real, achievable, & transformative results.

Let’s do this, together!

Enrol in the End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge today!



one time payment

Reset, reclaim, & refresh your classroom space ready for the new school year.

Burning Q’s
your fellow teachers have asked before joining the challenge:

Who is this challenge best suited for?

This challenge is best suited for primary & elementary school teachers who are looking for simple, actionable ways to declutter their classroom at the end of the school year. This is not a complete, overwhelming classroom overhaul. This challenge has been designed for teachers who like to be guided through a proven, step-by-step approach to decluttering, and who are committed to the process. I can give you the tools and strategies, but it is ultimately up to you to take action!

I’m already so busy; I don’t have time for a 2-week challenge.

As a teacher, I understand the demands on your time. The beauty of this challenge is its manageable daily tasks. These are designed to integrate into your schedule without causing additional stress or overwhelm. Many of the tasks can be completed during the day with your students’ assistance. You can chop and change the order as well as be selective about the decluttering tasks you choose! Think of it as an investment in reclaiming time in the long run.

What if I fall behind on the daily tasks? Will I still benefit?

Absolutely! While the daily tasks are structured for optimal progress, life happens. The challenge is flexible, and you can work at your own pace. The main goal is to guide you through the process, so even if you miss a day, you’ll still gain valuable insights and support.

What if I can’t complete a task due to specific constraints in my classroom?

We understand that every classroom is unique. If a task isn’t feasible for you, feel free to adapt it to suit your space. For example, if you don’t have a teacher desk, when it comes to the Teacher Desk challenge on Day 05, you might alter this to instead declutter your teacher cupboard/shelf/storage area. The goal is progress, not perfection!

I am worried that I won’t have enough time to complete all of the tasks. What should I do?

Remember – this is not a complete classroom overhaul. This challenge has been designed specifically with the end of year in mind. You might find that you actually complete a number of these tasks automatically! The aim of this challenge is to provide enhanced structure, guidance, accountability, motivation and support around decluttering your classroom specifically in the context of the end of the school year. Many of the tasks can be completed during the day over the last weeks of school with your students’ assistance – even the littles! Suggestions for this have been included inside your challenge workbook. It would be unreasonable to expect you to complete a full classroom declutter amidst the chaos of the end of the school year. We are aiming for progress, not perfection, my friend.

What areas will we be focusing on for the decluttering tasks?

Over the course of the challenge, we will be focusing on the areas below with a particular emphasis on tasks specific to decluttering at the end of the school year:

  • Stationery & Supplies
  • The Art Cupboard
  • Games & Activities
  • Teacher Desk
  • Paper Purge
  • Student Work
  • Classroom Displays
  • Lost Property
  • Student Tote Trays
When do I have to complete the decluttering tasks by?

This particular End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge has been designed to be self-paced, meaning that you can complete the tasks on your own schedule in whatever order you choose! There are 10 days of end-of-year specific decluttering tasks to complete, but ultimately you get to decide how you go about doing this.

Burning Q’s
your fellow teachers have asked before joining the challenge:

Who is this challenge best suited for?

This challenge is best suited for primary & elementary school teachers who are looking for simple, actionable ways to declutter their classroom at the end of the school year. This is not a complete, overwhelming classroom overhaul. This challenge has been designed for teachers who like to be guided through a proven, step-by-step approach to decluttering, and who are committed to the process. I can give you the tools and strategies, but it is ultimately up to you to take action!

I’m already so busy; I don’t have time for a 2-week challenge.

As a teacher, I understand the demands on your time. The beauty of this challenge is its manageable daily tasks. These are designed to integrate into your schedule without causing additional stress or overwhelm. Many of the tasks can be completed during the day with your students’ assistance. You can chop and change the order as well as be selective about the decluttering tasks you choose! Think of it as an investment in reclaiming time in the long run.

What if I fall behind on the daily tasks? Will I still benefit?

Absolutely! While the daily tasks are structured for optimal progress, life happens. The challenge is flexible, and you can work at your own pace. The main goal is to guide you through the process, so even if you miss a day, you’ll still gain valuable insights and support.

What if I can’t complete a task due to specific constraints in my classroom?

We understand that every classroom is unique. If a task isn’t feasible for you, feel free to adapt it to suit your space. For example, if you don’t have a teacher desk, when it comes to the Teacher Desk challenge on Day 05, you might alter this to instead declutter your teacher cupboard/shelf/storage area. The goal is progress, not perfection!

I am worried that I won’t have enough time to complete all of the tasks. What should I do?

Remember – this is not a complete classroom overhaul. This challenge has been designed specifically with the end of year in mind. You might find that you actually complete a number of these tasks automatically! The aim of this challenge is to provide enhanced structure, guidance, accountability, motivation and support around decluttering your classroom specifically in the context of the end of the school year. Many of the tasks can be completed during the day over the last weeks of school with your students’ assistance – even the littles! Suggestions for this have been included inside your challenge workbook. It would be unreasonable to expect you to complete a full classroom declutter amidst the chaos of the end of the school year. We are aiming for progress, not perfection, my friend.

What areas will we be focusing on for the decluttering tasks?

Over the course of the challenge, we will be focusing on the areas below with a particular emphasis on tasks specific to decluttering at the end of the school year:

  • Stationery & Supplies
  • The Art Cupboard
  • Games & Activities
  • Teacher Desk
  • Paper Purge
  • Student Work
  • Classroom Displays
  • Lost Property
  • Student Tote Trays
When do I have to complete the decluttering tasks by?

This particular End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge has been designed to be self-paced, meaning that you can complete the tasks on your own schedule in whatever order you choose! There are 10 days of end-of-year specific decluttering tasks to complete, but ultimately you get to decide how you go about doing this, picking and choosing the tasks that are most relevant to your circumstances.

The End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge

10 days of done-for-you plans and checklists to remove the questions and second thoughts around decluttering your classroom at the end of the school year, helping you to reset, refresh, and reclaim your classroom space.

End-of-year specific decluttering plans

Step-by-step decluttering guides and checklists

Workbook with planning templates & task lists

Essential decluttering tips & strategies

Strategies for student involvement

Flexible decluttering plan to suit your context

FREE BONUS Moving Classrooms Guide

The End of Year Classroom Declutter Challenge

10 days of done-for-you plans and checklists to remove the questions and second thoughts around decluttering your classroom at the end of the school year, helping you to reset, refresh, and reclaim your classroom space.

End-of-year specific decluttering plans

Step-by-step decluttering guides and checklists

Workbook with planning templates & task lists

Essential decluttering tips & strategies

Strategies for student involvement

Flexible decluttering plan to suit your context

FREE BONUS Moving Classrooms Guide

Say goodbye to the overwhelm, chaos, and feeling of not knowing where to even start – I’ve got you!

This is your end-of-year game plan to reclaim your classroom space, reduce stress, and create a refreshed environment that sets both you and your students up for success.