The Organised Teacher Collective Privacy Policy

Who We Are

We are The Organised Teacher Collective, a digital resource hub and online community for teachers based in New South Wales, Australia, owned and operated by Jamiela Stewart ABN 91 611 985 457. We are committed to respecting and protecting your privacy and rights when using our Website [ or ‘Website’]. This Privacy Policy describes how your personal information is collected, used, and shared when you visit, make a purchase from, or engage with our Website and its products or services. This Privacy Policy should be read in conjunction with and forms part of our Terms and Conditions.

Types of Personal Information Data We May Collect

We do not collect sensitive information about you as defined under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

The kind of information that we may collect will depend on how you use and engage with our Website and our products and services. This ‘Personal Information Data’ may include your name, email address, billing address, additional contact details, IP address, location data, time zone, and some of the cookies that are installed on your device. Additionally, as you browse the Website, we collect information about the individual web pages or products that you view, what sites or search terms referred you to the Website, and information about how you interact with the Website. We may collect data about the products or services you purchase; data about your experience with our Website and its products and services; data relating to your circumstances and other information that is relevant to the products or services that we provide to you; or data relating to your attendance to online events, programs or Courses offered by us.

If you hold an account with our Website, we will also collect data related to your account. We collect information about you during the signup process as well as some basic activities such as the dates you make purchases, login to the Website, and other like activity. We may collect data in relation to your use of the available products and services within your account, and any related contact and billing information. We use MemberPress ( to host our account holder information. No Personal Information Data is ever sent to MemberPress or their associated servers or providers. You can learn more about the MemberPress Privacy Policy here.

We do not knowingly collect or use Personal Information Data from or about minors where the law requires personal consent. By using our Website and its related products and services, you warrant that you are at least the age of majority in your State or Territory of residence. Our Website should not be used by anyone under the age of majority.

How and When We Collect Personal Information Data

When you visit and interact with our Website, we are collecting data either automatically or as provided by you. We may collect data when you:

We may collect Personal Information Data whenever you input such information into the Website or through interaction with our social media channels where you have authorised that information to be shared.

We collect information via browser cookies where reasonably necessary to assist with our operations and activities. We automatically receive and record information within our server logs from your browser, including IP address, operating system, top-level domain, time and date, pages accessed, files downloaded, previous site, type of browser used, and other cookie information. You can turn off or delete cookies through your browser settings. If you turn cookies off, you can continue to use the Website; however, certain services may not function as we intend.

We will only collect Personal Information Data that has been obtained fairly and lawfully directly from you (unless otherwise unreasonable or impractical to do so) and that is within necessary reason for our operations and activities.

Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information Data

We collect, store, use and disclose Personal Information Data to both deliver and improve our products, services and Website. This includes:

Generally, you are only required to provide certain types of Personal Information Data necessary for us to provide our products or services to you. If you do not provide certain types of Personal Information Data, we may be unable to provide you with the products or services that you have requested.

Any of our direct marketing material will include an unsubscribe function where you may opt out of receiving any further communications from us of that nature.

How We Use and Disclose Personal Information Data

We disclose Personal Information Data with employees and third parties who assist in operating our products, services and Website as outlined above. These include:

Personal Information Data may also be disclosed as required by law subject to our obligations.

We use Google Analytics functions on our Website. You can learn more about how your data is collected here, as well as instructions for how to opt out of Google Analytics data tracking. Our use of Google Analytics may include (but is not limited to) display advertising and remarketing. The use of tracking technologies (cookies) may result in you seeing our adverts across the internet. We use these technologies to optimise and deliver our adverts based on previous engagement with our Website. We accept payments through payment service provider PayPal. When processing payments, some of your data will be passed to PayPal, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information. Please see the PayPal Privacy Policy for more details.

Accessing Your Personal Information Data

Should you wish to access or correct Personal Information Data that we hold about you, please get in contact by emailing [email protected].  You will need to identify yourself to our reasonable satisfaction before we provide you with the Personal Information Data that we may or may not have in our possession. You can request for us to correct any information we may hold about you that you believe to be inaccurate. We endeavour to respond to requests within 30 days, unless doing so would adversely affect the rights of others.


If you wish to make a complaint regarding your Personal Information Data, please get in contact with us by emailing [email protected]. All complaints and enquiries will be dealt with in an appropriate time frame with care and consideration applied to any complaint. We may seek further information to clarify concerns and, should the complaint be well-founded, take the necessary steps in order to rectify the issue. If you are not satisfied with our response or the outcome, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner for further review.

Changes to Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is up to date as at 1st September 2023. There may be changes to the Privacy Policy from time to time and we ask that you ensure you check this page regularly for those changes.